After about 9 hours of killer South American bureaucracy, we are back behind the wheel!! There were eleven(we counted) separate documents that needed to be stamped, signed, inspected, copied and delivered to different locations around the port but we persevered and took delivery of our cars just before closin' time. Another huge thanks goes out to Zachary & Sachi, with whom we tackled the Darien Gap(and many a brew after the pick up). Both are amazing journalists and those who are interested can check out one of Sachi's surfing documentarys here Zach has been recording the Darien experience for an upcoming show premiering on PRI's "The World" and rumor has it that Linds and I may make an appearance...
safety first in the port. |
docs needed for car retrieval in Cartagena |
Its funny how giant Columbia feels already. After having driven through Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama- all countries that could fit nicely in a corner of my home state of Arizona, Columbia is a big'un. We made tracks out of Cartagena yesterday and stayed in a small town about 5 hours drive south. We've got our sights on the highlands north of Bogota where we aim to camp for a few days and cool our heels a bit. And then down into the city to find our friend Ingrid's family!!! Its been over four months of van living since we pushed off from Portland, some days it feels like a lifetime. We have both been itching to get on the road again as we were two weeks without the van, so off we go!!
the streets of Cartagena. |
not too sure about this... it was out in front of agricultural store. |
Simply beautiful! (the last one, however? :). So good to have you back on line again!!
ReplyDeleteLove your new pics what a beautiful and clean developed area. Did bureaucracy indeed mean only paper documents, or were there any bills involved to keep it smooth?
ReplyDeleteLove your new pics what a beautiful and clean developed area. Did bureaucracy indeed mean only paper documents, or were there any bills involved to keep it smooth?
ReplyDeleteLove your new pics what a beautiful and clean developed area. Did bureaucracy indeed mean only paper documents, or were there any bills involved to keep it smooth?