One of the best apres ski bars in the world, the Mangy Moose is now home to Linds and I. Its funny being here in the summertime, probably the only two non-locals in the bar. Upstairs is the office of Teton Gravity Research and a few doors down, the ariel tram - 4139 feet of vertical goodness.
After sleeping like a couple of logs on Capitol Hill in Seattle Anne and Abe had us over for some breakfast eatin' and coffee pourin' before we headed out and before we left Abe opened his "end o' the world" drawer and gave us a jumbo packet of CELOX. What is CELOX? Well for all of you that aren't prepared for the apocalypse, it's an anti-coagulant meant for severe trauma i.e. bullet holes, stab wounds, zombie bites, etc. Thanks Abe! (slowly backing away....).

We hauled ass to Coeur d'Alene because we were hungry and have been told that Hudson's had the best. Linds had two and I had three. Here is their menu: Hamburger $2.60 Cheeseburger $2.85 Pie $3.00. No fries, no shakes, no BS. Someone needs to open a french fry joint next door (Randy??). We drove north to Whitefish, Montana to have a look at Flathead Lake and the peaks of Glacier Park. We found a Pub called Bulldogs and had yet another Burger. This marks our northern highpoint of our trip and its south, sweet south from here on out! Big pat on the rear for Linds letting me know what everyone ought to--- Walmart parking lots are free rv parks!!??! We joined about 15 other moochers and slept soundly. Its been said that although free, the Walmart lots can be the most expensive campsites around. After restocking on toiletries, snacks, a garbage can for the van and two coffees, we agree. Walmart is smarter than us.. ;)
walmart! claudette was the littlest! |
Extra big Portland thank you to John Sullivan, future mayor of Missoula! The man is an animal. His company makes among other things, incredible facewear for extreme climates. He and his friend Phil showed us a good time in downtown Missoula. After putting away enough beers to raise an eyebrow, and telling enough childhood stories that would bore anyone but Linds, he gave us a warm, soft place to sleep. Thanks John! I have a feeling we've some good ski days in the future.
Yellowstone, I love ya. I had worked a summer @ Old Faithful years back there's not a better place on earth for exploring. We pulled into West Yellowstone with a different kind of exploring in mind though.. we needed a restroom and wi-fi. I slowly weaved through the wide streets with Linds holding the computer like a satellite dish looking for the best signal with no damn password. Home-sweet-home was a neat little parking spot behind the Days Inn Motel. Perfect.

Big 'ol thanks to Annie Vanderboom for steering us to the Boiling River! Picture a near boiling creek from an underground hot spring dumping into a mountain stream. Jacuzzi goodness! We waded in and spent the next few hours getting the perfect combo of superhot/mountaincold! We went down to the Old Faithful inn, and to prove that we are still young, drank wine and read The Hunger Games & Harry Potter on the second floor looking out on the geyser basin and fireplace. And despite the Park Ranger's opinion, "all unauthorized vehicles" left overnight will not be towed! However, this night marked the onset of Ruka's tummy trouble. 2am saw me following Ruka around the parking lot with a poobag in hand. We visited the back country office in the morning to watch the mandatory bear safety video and reserve a site. We explained to the ranger that we wanted a fairly mellow 15 miler to somewhere neither one of us had been. She sold us the Bechler Meadows hike like a low mileage, one owner Subaru! However, as we meant 15 miles to be round-trip, she assumed one way. Yeah! We planed to rent a cabin in Lake, and, as no kennels are near the park, leave Ruka overnight and hoof it back in the morning. That night saw us breaking down gear, figuring how to work the bear spray and pouring over maps and doing the first showers in a few days. I had hoped for a steak or sandwich for dinner, but apparently Linds had a hankerin' for some ramen and cocktail weenies;)

Ruka is a very resilient dog. A loyal and respectful dog. When she has something to say, she lets you know. We were let know five times during the night that her stomach felt like shit. Five times we woke, dressed, and walked her around while she farted and tried to poo. We began to see our back country plans fade, and it was with a heavy heart, but a happy dog that we split for Teton County in the morning.
bear juice & .357 |
poor ruka. |
love ya. |